Welcome to Blue Ocean Associates. We are a business which likes to explore and implement new, exciting Blue Ocean strategies which can help transform businesses and organisations fortunes.

An Uncontested Market Space 

We know how important it is to have an edge over your competition and that`s exactly what we provide. A blue ocean strategy is one that creates and captures an uncontested market space, creating a new demand and endless possibilities.  

Blue Ocean Associates Ltd,

Tel: 07450 139 725

New Homeowners Lists

New Homeowners Data

One of our Blue Ocean products is New Homeowners Data. This is a way for businesses looking for local customers to gain a never ending stream of them through our New Homeowners Data.

We can supply GDPR compliant, clean mailed data of new homeowners to businesses in any postcode area of their choice every month. They can then use this data to promote their goods and services to these targeted new customers. 

Find out more at our sister website at  https://newhomeowners.net/

Augmented Reality Apps & Signs

Is this the first time you have heard of the term augmented reality?

Well it certainly won`t be the last as this is going to take the business world by storm over the next few years here in the UK, and Blue Ocean Associates are looking to be at the forefront of this blue ocean way of marketing.

Augmented reality can be used in stores, in shopping malls and in the comfort of your own home, for instance, to enable consumers to check out and maybe buy goods and services.

It can also be used on signs to make the public aware of certain changes or pitfalls or offers that may help them as they make their way around a town or a city.

Check out the video below of an augmented reality travel portal through Italy without leaving home.

The Benefits Of Direct Mail

Direct Mail Marketing

Below is a video created by the Royal Mail about the benefits of using direct mail:

With volumes of posted materials declining by an average of 5% per year, you would expect direct mail to be a thing of the past.

However, studies have shown that many businesses are still reaping great rewards from a targeted direct mail campaign.

In fact, direct mail is still the 3rd single largest channel used by marketers in the UK.

Email was seen as the answer to all marketing woes at one time, enabling companies to communicate with customers and contacts instantly and cheaply.

The flood of electronic communications we now receive means that marketing emails are trapped in spam filters, overlooked or ignored.

The lifespan for emails today is increasingly short and many of us receive far too many of them to be able to distinguish the valuable from the worthless.

But while receiving emails has become a daily chore, direct mail has slowly re-emerged as an effective means of communication.

Unlike a brief look at email subject lines before deleting them, direct mail forces recipients to engage, open the letter in other words and read its contents.

Direct mail is seen as more “personal” and helps to build a “one-to-one relationship with customers”, according to Royal Mail, making it more memorable and more likely to get a response.

It’s all too easy to delete an email, but most of us read or at least look at the items which come through the door and keep them for longer.

The Royal Mail reported that advertising mail stays in the home for an average of 17 days, whereas emails are often deleted immediately after they are read.

If required Blue Ocean Associates can cover all of your bespoke Graphic Design, Print and Direct Mail needs, from single-page items to multiple packaged items.

However we prefer to offer a targeted trade service to your local printers or to JV to printers directly using the benefits of Direct GDPR compliant Mail that “locks out competitors” and “locks in customers”

Please get in touch to discuss what we can do for you, and how we can work together to increase your turnover and your customers footfall by our unique and cost effective “Blue Ocean” targeted marketing.

Why Blue Ocean Thinking Is The Future

Here are some acute observations on why blue ocean is the way forward from an article in Forbes

“there are plenty of opportunities out there that we can all create when we shift our focus from competing to working together to create a larger economic pie for all – what we refer to as blue oceans. Blue oceans are less about disruption, and displacing the existing order, and more about nondisruptive creation, where one’s gain doesn’t have to come at the expense of others. It’s a positive-sum approach to innovation and growth.”

“–research will help individuals and organizations tap into that potential and direct it to unlocking commercially compelling and socially responsible new markets. Growth is not a zero-sum game.”

“If you ask people if they would rather compete or create, many say ‘create.’ If you ask them what is more important for their success, compete or create they say ‘create.”

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